Your Future

August 17, 2009

So what do you want to be? There are many career possibilities that you may take and it may be hard to decide. You will have to consider the factors such as time, income, future trends and many more.
Some web developer jobs range from:

  • Designing includes CSS and graphics designing
  • Programming consists of writing CGIs or Flash applications
  • Content Writing which is writing the hypermedia for a website
  • Database includes working with XML, database administration, and connecting sites to databases
  • Information Architecture jobs set up the informatics behind a Web site, and making them easier to use and navigate
  • Metric jobs include watching the page views and tracking to validate the effectiveness of Web design work


    August 17, 2009

    Ever find it hard to concentrate? Well, for me, occasionally. And when it comes to things like exams and you can’t concentrate, you basically “stuffed”. But I have whipped up a few tips to “help” you concentrate.

    1. Find a set place where you feel comfortable (not in front of the TV, please) and keep it that way. Obviously, avoid your cellphone or telephone and in the vicinity, put up a sign to avoid being disturbed or interrupted. Music may also help, but, keep to music that has limited words.

    2. Stick to a routine/planner or an efficient study schedule. You should accommodate your day/nighttime energy levels with certain meals in a set time.

    3. Prior to studying, spare a few minutes to jot down a few objectives, gather what you will need, and think of a general strategy of accomplishment

    4. There should always be something that you are working for. Think of an incentive for completing a task, such as calling a friend, a food treat, a walk, etc. You get the idea. For major projects like term papers, design projects, long book reviews, set up a special incentive.

    5. Every once in a while, change the subject you study so there is variety and a refreshed brain for each subject. This can also prepare you for exams as it is like a paradox to the layout of examinations.

    6. Sitting in front of the computer or at a desk reading a novel for hours is boring. Dead Set. Alternate reading with different learning techniques, like visualizations, props, interactive games etc.

    7. Consider different learning techniques meaning how you could increase your activity level while studying. You could incorporate group work or even create study cards.

    8. You should always take regular, scheduled breaks that fit you. You should end up doing something different from what you’ve been doing. This could be just walking or even just moving to a different area.

    9. Breaking up your time and giving goals is essential. Say we have a 1000 word essay and you have 5 days to complete. Think about it as 200 words per day. Maybe theres 4 hours in the day which you can complete it so 50 words per hour is a goal. This is realistic so you can complete tasks of that nature.

    10. Finally, the most important. Reward yourself at the end of the whole unit of work. This is different to incentives as incentives are for completing small parts that lead up to the completion of the whole work.

    Hopefully, you will see an improvement in your studies thus exams and majors. Oh and by the way, this has to be implemented over a period of time, not just one day.

    Thanks for reading and please give feedback.